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सरकारी शाळा बंद करण्याचा निर्णय त्वरित रद्द करा

पुरोगामी पत्रकार संघाचे तहसीलदार मार्फत मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र शिरीष उगे (भद्रावती प्रतिनिधी) भद्रावती : राज्य शासनाने सरकारी शाळेच्या संदर्भ...


गुरुवार, फेब्रुवारी २१, २०१९

Vibrant inauguration of the 43rd All India Electricity Sports Control Board's volleyball Tournament


Experience, culture and knowledge, the all-India sporting tournament will prove to be appropriate for exchanging this trisical equation. This was stated by Chandrakant Thotwe, Director (Operations), Mahagenco. He was speaking as the inaugural and president of the 43rd All India Electricity Sports Control Board's volleyball tournament. 

Vinod Bondre Executive Director (Human Resources), Umakant Nikhare Chief Engineer, Nashik Power Station and Chairman Organizing Committee, Navnath Shinde, Chief Engineer (Solar, Nashik), Jayant Veekey, Chief Engineer (Transmission), Raghavendra Mishra Observer AIESCB, Uttar Pradesh, Anil Musale, Chief Industrial Relation Officer, D.B. Gore, jt director industrial safety & health,Deputy Chief Engineer Sunil Ingle etc. were present.

Chandrakant Thotwe said that even though its regional language is different, but all of us belong to the same power family and due to being connected to the grid wire, our frequency is also the same. Being connected to the pulse, the loss or victory is no longer important. There is no competition in the same family so enjoy the game. They greeted all the players. The program started with tributes to the Indian soldiers who were martyred in a terrorist attack in Pulwama. Everyone kept silent for 2 minutes.
250 players from 20 teams across the India did a fantastic march past and gave salute to the guests present on the stage. Flag hosting done by Chandrakant Thotwe. The playground was lit with the help of the sports torch and the announcement of the start of the competition by blowing the balloons of the colors of the tricolor into the air.
Prior to this, the renowned players Sonawane, Tushar Pardeshi, Shashank Kayasarkhan and Mangesh Thube brought the sports torch to the field. All the team managers were welcomed by the chairman of the program Chandrakant Thotve with the rose. Sohail Shaikh administered oath of playing spirit to everyone.

Chief Industrial Relations Officer Anil Musle kept introductory. The magnificent echo of the Nashik Dhol Pathak and the cultural floats of Maharashtra made the attendants enchanted. Raghvendra Mishra of Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation (Inspector AIESCB) praised the organizing team for successful organizing.

In his address, Vinod Bondre said that the great-hearted power is also performing nationally and internationally in other areas other than Generation. Enthusiasm, new zeal and efficiency increase through sports competition. Welfare Officer Nivrutti Kondavale thanked everyone. The compering of the program was done by Shashank Kamble, Leena Patil, Vasanti Naik and Purushottam Warjukar. In the program Besides the Superintending Engineer, kamtamkar, ashok Tayde, Chavan, rajendra Kumavat, the citizens of nearby villages, Shrikant Navalkhe, Vilas Hire, Employees and Officers, joined a large number. The tournament was started immediately after the inauguration. 36 matches will be played between 20 teams in the tournament.



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