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सरकारी शाळा बंद करण्याचा निर्णय त्वरित रद्द करा

पुरोगामी पत्रकार संघाचे तहसीलदार मार्फत मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र शिरीष उगे (भद्रावती प्रतिनिधी) भद्रावती : राज्य शासनाने सरकारी शाळेच्या संदर्भ...


बुधवार, डिसेंबर ०७, २०२२

Telegram | Auto-Delete All Chats, Topics 2.0 and much more

Auto-Delete All Chats

• You can set a Global Auto-Delete Timer for all new chats and groups you create.

• New messages will be deleted after 1 day, week, month – or a custom duration you choose.

• The new menu in Settings > Privacy & Security > Auto-Delete Messages also lets you set up Auto-Delete for any of your existing chats faster.

Topics 2.0

• Admins of groups with 100+ members can organize discussions into separate topics.

Topics 2.0: Navigation

• Topics now have a two-column layout that keeps recent chats easily accessible as you browse topics.

• Previews of topic messages in the chat list work like a button – click to jump to the last updated topic.

Topics 2.0: Organization

• Up to 5 topics can be pinned to the top of the list.

• Each topic now supports multiple pinned messages.

• The View as Messages mode now shows which topic each message belongs to.

• Badge counters for topics you never opened will have a lighter, less distracting color.

Topics 2.0: General Topic

• A new General topic is now included by default, containing service messages and the earlier message history from the group.

• Admins can rename the General topic.

Aggressive Anti-Spam for Groups

• Large groups can enable Aggressive Filtering in Manage Group > Administrators to remove more spam with automated algorithms.

• Admins help improve filtering by reporting any false positives in Recent Actions.

More about this update:



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