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सरकारी शाळा बंद करण्याचा निर्णय त्वरित रद्द करा

पुरोगामी पत्रकार संघाचे तहसीलदार मार्फत मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र शिरीष उगे (भद्रावती प्रतिनिधी) भद्रावती : राज्य शासनाने सरकारी शाळेच्या संदर्भ...


सोमवार, जानेवारी ०६, २०२०

PhD awarded to Dr.Anil Onkar, Addl.E.E.(KTC)

RTM Nagpur University has  recently awarded  Doctoral Degree in Electrical Engineering Stream to Shri Anil B. Onkar, Addl.EE(KTC). He has dedicated this PhD to MSPGCL, in general & KTC Koradi , in particular  for continuous support to pursue research. He has expressed wholehearted thanks to Shri Dilip Dhakate CE(KTC),  Shri Anand  Meshram SE(KTC) & Wife Mangla. 

His PhD topic was "Energy Environment implication by Energy Audit of various systems used in Thermal Power Plant" under the guidance of Dr. Gunawant Dhomne. It is highly appreciable to  mention here that, he has been awarded doctoral degree from Engineering stream in which doctoral degree is very rare.

Dr.Anil Onkar is an excellent faculty for Electrical Testing & Instrumentation, Energy Audit, performance optimization. Dr. Anil Onkar has done  B.E. (Elect.), M.Tech.(E.M.S.). D.C.M. (CSI), M.I.E. (India) &  Certified Energy Auditor (B.E.E.),Lead Auditor ISO50001 (EnMs) ,Certified Elect.-Supervisor, Fellow (SEEM), Associate (QCFI).

Till date, he has published 15 Research paper in  International, National, Scopus indexed & conference journal.  

Dr. Anil’s painstaking efforts, patience, perseverance and fighting spirit has brought him outstanding laurels, which is the dream of many researchers.



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