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सरकारी शाळा बंद करण्याचा निर्णय त्वरित रद्द करा

पुरोगामी पत्रकार संघाचे तहसीलदार मार्फत मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र शिरीष उगे (भद्रावती प्रतिनिधी) भद्रावती : राज्य शासनाने सरकारी शाळेच्या संदर्भ...


शनिवार, सप्टेंबर २८, २०१३

Chandrapur Super Thermal Power Station

CHANDRAPUR: The Chandrapur Super ThermalPower Station (CSTPS) has violated pollution control standards every single day over the last three years. This startling information was obtained by an NGP Eco-Pro Organisation under Right to Information. The unchecked pollution poisoned the atmosphere in Chandrapur city and around.

A report sent by local MPCB regional office to its joint director regarding CSTPS mentions that the plant's oldest unit Nos. 1 and 2 (that were commissioned in 1983 and 1984 respectively) are regularly discharging suspended particulate matter (SPM) at an average of 383.1mg/Nm3 and 642.92 mg/Nm3 respectively as against the standard of 100 mg/Nm3. "Since height of stacks (chimneys) of unit Nos. 1 and 2 is 90 metres, the dispersion of particulate matter in Chandrapur city which is about 7 to 8km cannot be ruled out and may cause air pollution," it states.

"The stack monitoring of these two units of CSTPS has regularly shown emissions higher than average of 500 mg/Nm3, there have been many instances of accidental discharge. For instance, discharge from both 1 and 2 units was as high as 2447mg/Nm3 on November 22, 2012. Similarly, discharge from unit No. 2 on January 24, 2012 and May 17, 2012, was recorded 1733mg/Nm3 and 1402mg/Nm3," alleged Eco-Pro president Bandu Dhotre citing the RTI documents.

Dhotre claimed that as current pollution standards for thermal power plant are 50mg/Nm3 and it is mandatory for the plants to have chimney of over 275 metres.

MPCB officers carry out stack monitoring (pollution inspection) only once a month and found violation of norms on every single instance during the last three years. "There could have been several instances of high accidental discharge of over 1000 mg/Nm3 which have gone unnoticed. These two units are adding poison to the atmosphere which has already started taking toll on the health of citizens," alleged Dhotre demanding immediate scrapping of unit Nos. 1 and 2. The electrostatic precipitators (ESPs) of these two units are designed to control SPM of 757 mg/Nm3 and are unable to achieve prescribed standards of 150 mg/Nm3.

MPCB have bent the rules and have prescribed unit Nos. 1 and 2 standard of 150 mg/Nm3 particulate emission as a special case. "Despite this, the CSTPS has failed to bring discharge under the specially prescribed standards despite spending hundreds of crores on repairs of these ESPs," he said.

Environment expert Naresh Dahegaonkar claimed that high pollution caused by CSTPS has direct impact on the health of the people of Chandrapur. "CSTPS emission consists of nitrogen oxide and sulphur oxides along with several volatile organic compounds. Such pollutants add to the threat of pre-natal deaths and respiratory disorders. Children are particularly prone to hazardous effect of these chemicals," he said.

Dahegaonkar claimed that high pollution is a threat to the biodiversity of the area. Emissions of CSTPS have affected the growth of plants and disturbed the ecological balance in its impact area, he said.



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