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सरकारी शाळा बंद करण्याचा निर्णय त्वरित रद्द करा

पुरोगामी पत्रकार संघाचे तहसीलदार मार्फत मुख्यमंत्र्यांना पत्र शिरीष उगे (भद्रावती प्रतिनिधी) भद्रावती : राज्य शासनाने सरकारी शाळेच्या संदर्भ...


रविवार, एप्रिल १२, २०२०

Ambedkarites to wage war against corona on the occasion of Ambedkar Jayanti exhorts :Dr Nitin Raut

Dr. Nitin Raut (@NitinRaut_INC) | Twitter

April 14 is birth the anniversary of Bharatratna Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar was a jurist, economist, politician and a social reformer. He inspired the Dalit Buddhist Movement and campaigned against social discrimination against Untouchables (Dalits), and also supported the rights of women and labour.

Dr Ambedkar destroyed the shackles of the age-old slavery of the downtrodden masses. He gave to his people self respect, dignity and most importantly moral courage to fight. 

Dr. Ambedkar tirelessly worked for the welfare of depressed classes. He tried to spread education among them and improve their economical condition. He gave to his people self respect, dignity and most importantly moral courage to fight. He strongly fought against the caste system in India.

He played a pivotal role in framing Indian Constitution and earned the epithet of the “Father of the Indian Constitution”. He is known for his work as a lawyer, economist, politician and professor. He was instrumental in unifying the whole country under the umbrella of the Indian Constitution. At the time of independence, India was ruled by several princely states who were merged in a single unified nation by him.

Ambedkar Jayanti is celebrated by Indians nationwide and has turned into biggest festival in India now.

This occasion is celebrated by masses by taking out grand processions, gathering in Viharas, organising social, cultural and musical programmes etc. Further various competitions and enlightening lectures are organised prominently in Mumbai, Nagpur, Aurangabad, Pune in every nook and corners across Maharashtra, as well as in whole India. It has turned into a grand moment of festivity which is mesmerizing to the masses. People from all walks of the society have appropriating the ideology of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar. 
13 thoughts of dr BR ambedkar on ambedkar jayanti 2018 ...
In the recent past rich, poor, workers, officers, bureaucrats, MLAs, MPs, and even ministers have started participating in this grand festivity.

He has now become the source of energy of the progressive nation of India.
However a pall of gloom is spread in the world because of corona virus threat which worries all of us. However, this has not reduced our enthusiasm for celebrating Ambedkar Jayanti.But we have to celebrate this festival in a very different and befitting manner this year. Hence I request all of you to celebrate it in the following manner.

1) On the eve of April 14 no one should leave their homes. Further no processions, no DJ or any other public programmes should be organized.

2) On this day, wake up early in the morning. After taking bath wear clean white clothes. Conduct vandana (Prayer) of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Tathagat Gautam Budhha. Trisharan Panchsheel and gatha may be recited in every house.

3) As a part of social responsibility, as per your ability and as per your will, try to feed at least 5 people in your neighborhood and let us ensure that not a single person goes empty stomach to bed.

4) Read biography of Dr Ambedkar by Dhananjay Keer or C B Khairmode. Try to read books written by Dr Ambedkar including Annihilation of Caste, Who were the Shudras, Constitution of India, Buddha and his Dhamma etc. You should discuss about it with your family members especially the young children in the house. Link to online book

5) Ponder on how you can carry forward the enlightening ideology of Dr Ambedkar.

6) Let us vow to wish at least 10 people on phone and further ensure that all of them are in pink health and further exchange your thoughts on Ambedkarism and evils of society.

7) On this occasion we should pledge to strengthen secularism and also vow to reverse the negative trends which have crept into the Indian Constitution during recent time which are not in tune and akin towards Ambedkarism.

8) Share photos of this program to your friends, relatives and acquaintances on social media by hash tagging *#meambedkar.*

9) Let us all pray for the early recovery of the corona patient and safety of the medical fraternity (Medical soldiers) who are battling against this wretched and horrendous disease. 

10) Let us extend our financial support against corona virus and contribute as much as possible as per your ability. On this day make online contribution to the account of *“Chief Minister Covid-19 Aid Fund” of at least Rs 10 to 100. The account number is 39239591720, Branch Code 00300, IFSC Code SBIN00003000*. Let us generously support the government by donating generously toward this noble cause.

11) Lets us not forget that to defeat this disease we all must follow social distancing, use sanitizer and frequently clean hands with soap. Further use masks and strictly follow the government instructions to save yourself and your family from this virus.

12) Let us all vow to celebrate this day as *"World Knowledge Day"*.

I believe that the followers of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar will tread on the path shown by him further I have unequivocal belief that all Ambedkarites will stay at home on the day of Ambedkar Jayanti and thus contributr their bit towards our battle against corona.

Jay Bheem.



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